Work culture is extremely important to me, so when I joined Auvik in 2022 as a Product Marketing Manager, I got curious about our culture and internal programs.

One area of work culture I’m passionate about is DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). I saw that Auvik had a DEI Task Force composed of Auvikians all across the organization and knew I wanted to contribute to make Auvik a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable place to build a career. 

Since becoming a member of the DEI Task Force, I have helped our team with several different initiatives: from recognizing holidays celebrated by our remote team around the world, to creating best practices for how to plan and run inclusive meetings for diverse thinking styles, to creating educational content for Black History Month. We are a busy task force!

Recently, I loved being a participant in Auvik’s activities around International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month.

Women’s History Month at Auvik

celebrating international women's day and women's month at Auvik as part of DEI efforts

Any time is a great time to be a woman at Auvik. But our March programming this year felt especially celebratory.

My colleagues on the DEI Task force presented at our weekly company-wide meeting about the history of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, and held a brainstorming and feedback session, inviting all women Auvikians to attend. 

Participants discussed what they appreciated about being a woman at Auvik, citing the flexible work environment, generous paid parental leave, and a welcoming culture that invites bringing our “whole selves” to work.

The group also brainstormed ideas for how we can keep working toward inclusion and gender equality in the workplace, like additional training on allyship and being intentional about recruiting for diversity. And to top it off, we participated in a women-only dance party (yes, even a dance party over Zoom can be fun!).

Auvik supporting structures for women

I think a lot about micro vs. macro systems, and the experience of individuals vs. structural and systemic patterns in our world. When an individual woman personally feels welcomed at a workplace, that’s a step in the right direction.

But a corporate culture that has built supporting structures to help women succeed?

Now, that’s a much bigger commitment for an organization to make.

It goes a long way in “walking the talk” when employers do this, and Auvik is doing it. At Auvik, women like me (and indeed, all employees) have the opportunity to participate in programs like:

  • A robust training calendar from the People Team including both live and recorded workshops on inclusive language, microaggressions, feedback frameworks, emotional intelligence 
  • Career-building workshops and 1:1 coaching
  • Sponsorship program to pair senior employees with high performers seeking advancement
  • Generous parental leave policies for parents of any gender welcoming a new child, including through adoption
  • A dedicated women-only private Slack channel

Women at Auvik stats

As a woman at Auvik, I’m encouraged by our company’s ongoing efforts for gender equality in the workplace.

Just as we approach delivering value to customers with a build > measure > learn iterative cycle in our product, we do the same with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We have to start somewhere, and we have to measure what we care about (or, at least I do—I’m a data nerd!).

Some notable highlights: 

  • 32% of Auvik employees self-identify as women
  • 39% of Auvik people managers are women
  • 44% of director-level leaders are women
  • 50% of VP-level employees are women
  • 33% of senior leadership (C-level) are women 

Celebrating and continuing to grow

From a quantitative perspective, I look forward to seeing how the above numbers change and improve over time, as Auvik continues to invest in DEI efforts for women and other marginalized identities in the workplace.

Qualitatively and more personally, I am both very proud and very appreciative of Auvik’s work to bring equity and representation to women and other underrepresented identities in tech. I feel supported and encouraged at Auvik, and that makes all the difference.

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