Affiliate Program Terms

If you are participating in the Affiliate Program, then these Affiliate Program Terms will apply to you. The Affiliate Program allows you to refer potential purchasers of Auvik products and services (“Auvik Offerings”) to us, by including a tracked link, provided to you through the Partner Portal, on your website. Upon our acceptance of a customer requesting Auvik Offerings through the link, and such customer’s payment for the Auvik Offerings to us, we will provide you with a commission equal to a percentage of such payment, as set forth in the Program Materials or otherwise expressly agreed upon in writing between you and Auvik.

Linking To Our Website

Upon acceptance into the Program, links will be made available to you through the affiliate interface of the Program Portal. Your acceptance in our program means you agree to and abide by the following.

  1. You will only use the linking code obtained from the affiliate interface without manipulation.
  2. All domains that use your affiliate link must be listed in your affiliate profile.
  3. Your website will not in any way copy, resemble, or mirror the look and feel of our website. You will also not use any means to create the impression that your website is our website or any part of our website including, without limitation, framing of our website in any manner.
  4. You may not engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups, false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, you will not attempt to mask the referring URL information (e.g., the page from where the click is originating).
  5. You may not use redirects to bounce a click off of a domain from which the click did not originate in order to give the appearance that it came from that domain is prohibited.
  6. You will not in any way imply or indicate that Auvik Offerings are subject to terms and conditions other than Auvik’s terms of service, and any other applicable Auvik agreements.

If you are found redirecting links to hide or manipulate their original source, your current and past commissions will be voided, or your commission level will be set to 0%. This does not include using “out” redirects from the same domain where the affiliate link is placed.

Website Restrictions

Your participating website(s) may not:

  1. Infringe on our or anyone else’s intellectual property, publicity, privacy or other rights.
  2. Violate any applicable law, rule or regulation.
  3. Contain any content that is threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography or sexually explicit materials.
  4. Contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information.
  5. Contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of affiliate commissions from another website. This includes toolbars, browser plug-ins, extensions and add-ons.
  6. Contain any material relating to Auvik that could be viewed as an ability to act or speak on our behalf or as our agent, or that make representations, warranties or guarantees about Auvik or Auvik Offerings, unless expressly authorized in writing by us.

Intellectual Property

Nothing herein transfers any intellectual property right in the Auvik Offerings, or to any other Auvik products or services, to you or any third party and Auvik retains full ownership, right, title and interest thereof. Any rights not expressly granted under these terms and conditions are reserved. You may only use, reproduce, perform and display any Program Materials (and any Auvik trademarks attached thereto) to the limited extent necessary to exercise your Affiliate Program rights described in these terms and conditions and the Program Materials. Customer information submitted through any affiliate link shall be deemed to be owned by us.

PPC Guidelines

If you participate in PPC advertising, you must adhere to our Advertising Guidelines, and the PPC guidelines as follows:

  1. You may not bid on any of our trademarked terms (which are identified in the General terms and conditions), including any variations or misspellings thereof for search or content-based campaigns on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook or any other network.
  2. You may not use our trademarked terms in sequence with any other keyword (e.g., Auvik Networks Coupons).
  3. You may not use our trademarked terms in your ad title, ad copy, display name or as the display URL.
  4. You may not direct link to our website from any Pay Per Click ad or use redirects that yield the same result. Affiliate links must be directed to an actual page on your website.
  5. You may not bid in any manner appearing higher than Auvik for any search term in position 1-5 in any auction style pay-per-click advertising program

If you automate your PPC campaigns, it is your responsibility to exclude our trademarked terms from your program and we strongly suggest you add our trademarked terms as negative keywords. We have a strict no tolerance policy on PPC trademark bidding. You will forfeit all commissions for a minimum of the past 30 days and your commission will be set to 0% without warning if you engage in PPC trademark bidding that uses our trademarked terms. We may from time to time update and/or add to our PPC guidelines, and those updates and additions will be binding on you upon written notice of such updates or additions to you.

Coupon Guidelines

If your website promotes coupon codes, you must adhere to our Coupon Guidelines as follows:

  1. You may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are provided to you through the affiliate program.
  2. Posting any information about how to work around the requirements of a coupon/promotion (e.g., first time customers only) will result in removal from the program.
  3. Coupons must be displayed in their entirety with the full offer, valid expiration date and code.
  4. You may NOT use any technology that covers up the coupon code and generates the affiliate click by revealing the code(s).
  5. You may NOT advertise coupon codes obtained from any non-affiliate marketing channel, including coupon codes from our email, paid search or any other non-affiliate advertising campaigns.
  6. You may NOT give the appearance that any ongoing offer requires clicking from your website in order to redeem. For example, if all items on the site have free shipping over $100, you may not turn this into an offer that infers that the customer must click from your site to get this deal.

Additionally, if your website ranks on the first page of Google for terms related to our website or company name(s) combined with the words coupon, coupons, coupon code, promo code, etc. and/or your conversion rate exceeds 25%, you may be offered a lower commission than our standard rate to offset the reduced profitability of orders. The current rate is 0%. We may from time to time update and/or add to our Coupon Guidelines, and those updates and additions will be binding on you upon written notice of such updates or additions to you.

Coupon Attribution & Authentication

Affiliates whose primary business is posting coupons, who indicate they are a coupon publisher on their application and/or who are tagged as “coupon” in our system, may not be paid commissions for sales generated without a corresponding valid coupon code. Valid codes are defined as codes that are made available to the affiliate channel in general, through newsletters or in the affiliate platform and directly or privately to affiliates. Coupon codes that are not real, expired, not specific (e.g., up to 40% off sale items) or are long-term sitewide offers that do not require a code may not considered valid codes and the affiliate will not be given commission on these orders.

Sub-Affiliate Networks

Promoting Auvik through a sub-affiliate network is not permitted unless you have direct approval from Auvik in writing.

If you are an approved sub-network, you must be completely transparent with regards to where traffic from your sub-affiliates originated. Sub-affiliate networks must ensure that all sub-affiliates promoting the Auvik program adhere to our program terms and conditions, set forth herein or otherwise provided to you in writing. This includes restrictions on advertising through toolbars, browser extensions, and through any paid placements such as a pay-per-click campaigns. Sub-affiliate networks must also receive approval prior to allowing any type of coupon sub-affiliate to promote the Auvik Networks program.

Failure to comply with our sub-affiliate network terms may result in a loss and/or reduction of commission from sales made through any sub-affiliate that does not comply with our program terms.

Social Media

Promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms is permitted following these general guidelines:

  1. You ARE ALLOWED to promote offers to your own lists; more specifically, you’re welcome to use your affiliate links on your own Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. E.g., You may post, “25% off sale at Auvik through Wednesday with code Auvik25.”
  2. You ARE PROHIBITED from posting your affiliate links on Auvik’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. company pages in an attempt to turn those links into affiliate sales.
  3. You ARE PROHIBITED from running Facebook ads with Auvik’s trademarked company name.
  4. You ARE PROHIBITED from creating a social media account that includes Auvik’s trademark in the page name and/or username.
  5. We may from time to time update and/or add to our social media guidelines, and those updates and additions will be binding on you upon written notice of such updates or additions to you.

FTC Disclosure Requirements

You must include a disclosure statement within any and all pages, blog/posts, or social media posts where affiliate links for our affiliate program are posted as an endorsement or review, and where it is not clear that the link is a paid advertisement. This disclosure statement should be clear and concise, stating that we are compensating you for your review or endorsement. If you received the product for free from us or from the affiliate management team for review, this also must be clearly stated in your disclosure.

  • Disclosures must be made at the beginning of the claims and may not appear solely in a “Terms of Use”, “Legal”, “About Us” or other linked page.
  • Disclosures should be placed above the fold; scrolling should not be necessary to find the disclosure. (i.e., disclosure should be visible before the jump).
  • Pop-up, hover state and button disclosures are prohibited.
  • Disclosure policy applies to all social media, even when space is restricted (e.g., tweets)
  • Disclosures should be made in the same medium as the claim (e.g., video, text)

For more information about FTC disclosure requirements, please review the FTC’s “Dot Com Disclosures” Guidelines at (example 21) and the FTC’s Endorsement Guidelines at

If you engage in so called “native advertising”, you further agree to comply with the FTC’s Enforcement Policy Statement on Deceptively Formatted Advertisements at and the related guidelines.

Payment Terms

We will pay you commissions in relation to the net revenue collected by us for the Auvik Offerings purchased by customers through our link made available to you hereunder, in accordance with the terms set forth in the Program Materials. The following documents and events must occur prior to the payment of commissions:

  1. Completion and full execution of all required legal agreements by Auvik and the referred customer, such as standard terms and conditions, and/or support agreements;
  2. Auvik invoicing the customer in accordance with their standard accounting practices; and
  3. Customer paying Auvik in full.

In the event that your participation in the Program is terminated, you will be paid full commissions for all orders for which you are entitled to commissions according to the terms herein, that have been successfully invoiced, booked and collected by Auvik as of the effective date of termination.