We’ve seen a lot of terrible stock photos in our day. A lot. So when we saw this list of Funniest Hacker Stock Photos from TeachPrivacy, we were inspired to put together our own list for networking.
Here’s what happens when you search a stock database for photos about networking, of the computer kind.

Enter The Computer Network. Oooh, this is so exciting. I feel like I’m in a cyber-spy movie. Am I in a cyber-spy movie?

Networking meets the son of the Village People. Because nothing says networking like a tank top and hard hat. With safety goggles. And a drill in your pocket.

What is he so damn happy about? Where does he have his hand? What the heck is that suit made of? WHO IS THIS GUY?

Duuuuude, look at the pretty blue snake. Whoa.

How many times have I told you: No loopbacks! Don’t make me come in there.

I feel the network. I shape the network. I am the network.

Oh, so this is the cloud computing thing everyone keeps talking about. Imma click right here and sign in. Wheeee!

No words.

Dammit, Carl! How many times have I told you not to ride your bike on the network. Now we’ve had to call the tiny medics. Wait, is this a metaphor? Carl?

Whatever you do, don’t look into the eyes of the beast. Mark, I said don’t look!!

The computer network is like a giant web, you see. Isn’t it pretty? Let’s all sing Kumbaya.

No, that’s not what it means when we say we’re bringing sexy back to networking.

I went to this seminar where a lady taught me how to be the network. Works every time. See? The network’s calmer already.

I have Photoshop. I like to blend stuff. And the globe adds a powerful message, don’t you think? It’s like, we’re all connected. You know?

All I’m saying is you can’t go wrong with Photoshop.

…then I slip this little symbol thingie in the back and… look at that! Emails! Isn’t networking amazing?

I am on the line!

Enter The Computer Network. Oooh, this is so exciting. I feel like I’m in a cyber-spy movie. Am I in a cyber-spy movie?

Networking meets the son of the Village People. Because nothing says networking like a tank top and hard hat. With safety goggles. And a drill in your pocket.

What is he so damn happy about? Where does he have his hand? What the heck is that suit made of? WHO IS THIS GUY?

Duuuuude, look at the pretty blue snake. Whoa.

How many times have I told you: No loopbacks! Don’t make me come in there.

I feel the network. I shape the network. I am the network.

Oh, so this is the cloud computing thing everyone keeps talking about. Imma click right here and sign in. Wheeee!

No words.

Dammit, Carl! How many times have I told you not to ride your bike on the network. Now we’ve had to call the tiny medics. Wait, is this a metaphor? Carl?

Whatever you do, don’t look into the eyes of the beast. Mark, I said don’t look!!

The computer network is like a giant web, you see. Isn’t it pretty? Let’s all sing Kumbaya.

No, that’s not what it means when we say we’re bringing sexy back to networking.

I went to this seminar where a lady taught me how to be the network. Works every time. See? The network’s calmer already.

I have Photoshop. I like to blend stuff. And the globe adds a powerful message, don’t you think? It’s like, we’re all connected. You know?

All I’m saying is you can’t go wrong with Photoshop.

…then I slip this little symbol thingie in the back and… look at that! Emails! Isn’t networking amazing?

I am on the line!