Halloween is mere days away. Do you have your costume for the staff party yet? How about your pumpkins for the porch?
No? Oh, that’s right. You’ve been stuck in the server room putting out fires.
But don’t you worry. We here at Auvik have got your back. We’ve scoured the Internet to bring you a list of tech-themed costumes and jack o’ lanterns to brighten your jam-packed day. Some of the costumes are pretty easy to throw together — so you might be able to attend that staff party in full Halloween style after all.
Tux the Linux penguin
We start our Halloween tour with Tux, the venerable Linux penguin. Now, you can’t just buy a Tux costume off the rack. Oh no. It’s not that simple. But you can make one.
This young man created a homemade Tux costume pattern for you by copying and scaling a stuffed version. A+ for engineering and effort.

The pumpkin option
If carving up vegetables is more your Halloween style, here’s a Tux pumpkin option. You can download a pattern for that too.

Spice Rex, the Spiceworks T-Rex
It’s surprisingly devilishly hard to find orange T-Rex costumes in adult sizes. (Why do kids get all the fun stuff?)

Then again, cute as it is, who wants to be stuck inside a giant stuffed animal all day? Instead, show your Spicehead pride with this jaunty chile pepper hat. Easy, breezy, and no orange tights.

The pumpkin option

Snoo, the Reddit alien
Here’s a costume you could put together fairly quickly. A white jumpsuit, a homemade antenna thingie, and some red dots – done! (NOTE: Random dude photobomb is not part of the costume.)

The pumpkin option

Hoover J. Beaver, the Loggly beaver
You’ve probably seen Hoover J. wandering the exhibit floor at conferences. But getting your hands on his costume? Not likely to happen.

Your option here is a generic beaver costume. Add some oversized glasses, a hat, and a t-shirt and you’re getting close.

The pumpkin option

The Github octocat
I know this dude is supposed to be a cat and cats are furry, so I’m not sure why the 5 o’clock shadow is wigging me out. Regardless, you can’t deny this is a great costume.

The pumpkin option

BONUS! Creepy Photoshop job
Not a costume or a pumpkin, just a strangely disturbing Photoshop composite.

Subnet mask
Here’s another easy costume you could pull together in a day. Take an inexpensive mask from the costume store and paste some IP addresses over it. Add some metallic sheen for flair (or buy a shiny mask) and presto! You’re a subnet mask. The t-shirt is just icing on the pumpkin.

The pumpkin option
Hmmm, let’s see. Jason mask. Majora mask. Phantom mask. Dammit, no subnet masks. *sigh*

Binary code
Speaking of subnet masks, I searched the entire Google and found no evidence that anyone has ever Halloweened as binary code.
This can only mean two things:
- I have discovered a rip in the Googleverse.
- This is a kick-ass opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind deep nerd costume!

Use this as your inspiration.
This guy is headed in the right direction but I think you could do better.

P.S. If I’m wrong about there being no binary code costumes out there, let me know in the comments.
The pumpkin option
I could find no binary code pumpkins either. Geekdom, you have let me down.
Behold the unicorn, that beguiling and elusive creature of IT.
If Tom Hollingsworth’s adventures as SDNicorn at Cisco Live are any indication, a unicorn could very well be this year’s most popular techie Halloween costume.

Let’s see if we can find some other good unicorn costumes. … Oh dear.

A unicorn mask it is!

The pumpkin option

Did you think we could have an entire post about networking and not mention the cloud? Ha!
Here’s a whole suite suit of cloud products.

Or perhaps you’d like to just disappear into the atmosphere. Shhhh. No one will ever know it’s you when you pull that mask down.
The pumpkin option
Who puts a cloud on a pumpkin?
Full stack
Reveal your awesomeness and all-round skill by dressing up as a full stack.
OK, OK, I realize it’s a stack of pancakes. It’s the best I could come up with.

Auvik polar bear
Hey, we know this year’s probably a bit early for putting on an Auvik costume. You’re just getting to know us, after all. But a polar bear – pretty awesome, right? Keep us in mind is all we’re saying.

Happy Halloween, everybody!