Distributed Network Management

manage unlimited sites icon
screen shot of map - unlimited sites

Unlimited Sites

Add as many new sites to Auvik as needed when your company grows

Auvik is built from the ground up to manage multiple sites easily, and it’s designed to grow with your company. If your company sets up new offices or your MSP wins new clients, you can add as many sites as necessary to support the new locations you’re managing.

Map of Network Locations

Easily visualize the performance and availability of your entire network

If your company or your clients are highly distributed, you can use the map to see all network locations you’re responsible for managing. Combined with Auvik’s alert notifications, you can quickly see which sites are experiencing issues, anywhere in the world, from one screen.

screenshot - Map Of Network Locations
screenshot - Global Alerts View

Global Alerts View

Manage alerts across all your sites in a central view

With Auvik’s global alert view, you can view, search, filter and manage alerts centrally, without having to drill into individual sites. With one click, you can access individual alert details and navigate to the specific device to solve the problem quickly.

Global Inventory View

View inventory across all your sites, all in one spot

With Auvik’s global inventory view, you can search and filter for devices across all sites. This is especially useful when a vulnerability is discovered, you can quickly identify all devices of the affected make and model across all sites.

screenshot - Global Inventory View
screenshot - User Management

User Management

Manage user access across all your sites at once

Admins can easily control which sites a specific user has access to at a global level. This allows admins to restrict roles and access for local teams that only need visibility to a few sites.