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How to master employee offboarding

Employee transitions present unique challenges in maintaining access control and security protocols. Most of these offboarding tasks are manual, time-consuming and often inaccurate.

Studies show that over 30% of ex-employees still have access to SaaS tools after they leave. Transform this process with automated and secure offboarding reporting to eliminate license waste and company risk.

Master employee offboarding all while discovering & managing your SaaS Environment with Auvik SaaS Management.

Tackle employee offboarding
Learn to overcome cost inefficiencies and compliance roadblocks.

Put an end to shared account chaos
Gain strategies to manage and secure accounts during employee transitions.

Defeat shadow IT
Discover techniques to detect and govern unmanaged apps that pose risks to your organization’s data security.

Harness automation
Simplify role changes and list management through intelligent automation.

Eliminate lost license spend
Master the art of deprovisioning to prevent unnecessary expenditure on unused software licenses.